Chenoros Cosmos

Planets of Chenoros Cosmos!

Presently a WIP!

There are 9 galaxies each with 5 planets in them, save for Theta which is thought to be an empty space, nowadays. Iota Galaxy is in a special dimension where the Gods and their demigod creations reside. It is rare for a mortal to get to Iota!

Alpha Galaxy

  • Crazonia
  • Cephalade
  • Planet Ooh La Love
  • Planet Tech
  • Planet Woooo

Beta Galaxy

  • Jungalo Bungalo
  • Plantaesia
  • Eyeclops
  • Fleffs
  • Sweetytoot

Gamma Galaxy

  • Paletteau
  • Kaiven
  • Malfinn
  • Holly Snow
  • Slipslime

Delta Galaxy

  • Planet Ae-Ai
  • Shadosneak
  • Planet Buzztune
  • Monsteroid
  • Hellava

Epsilon Galaxy

  • Cerulis
  • Vetera
  • Beddibye
  • Clashyn
  • Vugaboo

Zeta Galaxy

  • Runkydunk
  • Roxitox
  • Mustidust Prime
  • Planet Absolune
  • Novissa

Eta Galaxy

  • Dunadoth
  • Minimush 3
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???

Theta Galaxy

  • I-Prism

Iota Galaxy

  • hâteau Étoile
  • Château Vie et Mort/li>
  • Château Amusement
  • Holidas
  • Coeurein